When your roof springs a leak, or even worse, falls apart, it can be disastrous for your property. Regular roof inspections help catch these issues early, saving you the headache and high costs of major repairs down the line. If you’re managing property in New England, knowing how and when to schedule these inspections can greatly impact your roof’s longevity and effectiveness.

Whether your building sports metal roofing, rubber roofing, or flat roofing, each type has its own set of needs that dictate how often you should check them. This blog aims to walk you through setting up inspections, choosing the right professionals, and ensuring your roof stays in prime condition, keeping your business secure and dry throughout the year.

What We’ll Cover:


Why Do I Need a Roof Inspection?

Regular roof inspections are a crucial part of maintaining your commercial property. They help you spot potential problems early, which can save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run. For businesses in New England, where weather can be unpredictable, staying on top of roof maintenance is even more important.

Inspections help identify issues like leaks, which are common in flat roofing, or corrosion that might affect metal roofing. For those with rubber roofing, inspections can catch problems like blistering or cracking. By addressing these issues promptly, you can avoid more significant damage and expensive repairs down the road.

In short, routine roof inspections are a smart investment. They keep your building safe, ensure your roof lasts longer, and help you avoid unexpected costs. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference in the long-term care of your commercial property.


Inspection Requirements for Types of Roofing Materials

Different types of roofing materials require different approaches to inspection and maintenance. Understanding these needs can help you keep your roof in top condition and extend its lifespan, whether you have rubber roofing, metal roofing, or flat roofing.

Rubber Roofing

Rubber roofing is a popular choice for commercial properties. It’s generally regarded for its durability and flexibility. However, it can develop issues like blistering, cracking, or shrinking over time. Regular inspections should focus on identifying these problems early, ensuring the roof remains watertight and effective.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofs are long-lasting and highly resistant to the elements, but they can suffer from issues like rust and corrosion, especially in New England’s variable climate. During inspections, look for signs of rust, loose panels, or damaged fasteners. Promptly addressing these issues can prevent more severe damage and maintain the roof’s integrity.

Flat Roofing

Flat roofs are common in commercial properties due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. However, they are prone to pooling water and leaks. Inspections should check for drainage issues, cracks, and punctures in the roofing membrane. Keeping the roof clean and free of debris is also essential to prevent water buildup and damage.

Each roofing material has unique needs, but regular inspections and timely maintenance are key to ensuring they perform well over the years. Working with experienced roofing contractors who understand these specific requirements can help you stay ahead of potential problems and keep your commercial property protected.


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When to Schedule Roof Inspections

Knowing when to schedule roof inspections can make all the difference in maintaining your commercial roofing. Regular inspections help catch minor issues before they become major problems, saving you time and money. Here’s a simple guide to help you plan your inspections effectively.

Seasonal Inspections

It’s a good idea to have your roof inspected at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall. Spring inspections can catch any damage that occurs during the harsh winter months, while fall inspections ensure your roof is ready for the upcoming winter. This step is particularly important for flat roofing, which can be more susceptible to leaks and water damage from snow and ice.

Post-Storm Inspections

After a severe weather event, such as a heavy snowstorm, hailstorm, or strong winds, schedule an inspection to check for any immediate damage. High winds can lift metal roofing panels or shingles, while hail can cause cracks or punctures in rubber roofing.

Before and After Major Repairs or Replacements

If you’re planning a roofing replacement or significant repairs, have a professional inspection before and after the work. This scrutiny ensures that all necessary repairs meet safety and quality standards.

New England-Specific Considerations

In New England, the weather can be quite varied, with heavy snow in the winter and strong winds and rain in the spring and fall. Scheduling inspections around these seasonal changes helps to protect your roof ventilation.

By staying on top of these inspection schedules, you can prevent small issues from escalating and keep your commercial roofing in excellent shape. Regular inspections are a proactive way to protect your investment and ensure the longevity of your roof.


Choosing the Right Roofing Contractor

Selecting the right roofing contractor for your commercial roofing inspections and maintenance is essential. A reliable contractor ensures thorough inspections, quality repairs, and peace of mind. Here are some tips to help you choose the best professional for the job.

Check Credentials

Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured. This precaution protects you from liability and ensures the contractor meets industry standards. It’s particularly important for specialized work on rubber roofing and metal roofing.

Experience Matters

Look for a contractor with extensive experience in commercial roofing. Ask for references or case studies of similar projects they have completed. Experience with different roofing materials, such as flat roofing, metal roofing, and rubber roofing, is crucial.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Online reviews and testimonials provide insight into the contractor’s reliability and quality of service. Sites like Google Reviews, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau offer valuable feedback from previous clients.

Get Multiple Quotes

Obtain quotes from several contractors to compare prices and services. Be cautious of quotes that are significantly lower than others, as this might indicate subpar materials or workmanship. Remember, the cheapest option is not always the best.

Ask About Warranties

A reliable contractor will offer warranties on both materials and workmanship. These warranties protect you in case of future problems with your roof. Ensure you get the warranty terms in writing and understand what is covered.

Evaluate Communication Styles

Effective communication is key to a successful roofing project. Your contractor should be responsive, clear, and willing to answer your questions. They should keep you informed throughout the process, from the initial assessment to the completion of the job.

Local Knowledge

A contractor with local knowledge of New England’s weather patterns and common roofing issues can make a significant difference. They can recommend the best materials and solutions for your specific needs, whether it’s for roofing replacement, repairs, or regular maintenance.

Choosing the right roofing contractor ensures your commercial roofing is well-maintained, and any issues are promptly addressed. A good contractor will help you navigate the complexities of roofing maintenance and keep your property in top condition.


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Preparing for a Roof Inspection

Proper preparation for a roof inspection ensures the process is smooth and thorough. Whether you manage a commercial building with metal roofing, rubber roofing, or flat roofing, a well-prepared inspection helps identify issues accurately and efficiently.

Clear Access to the Roof

Ensure that inspectors have safe and easy access to the roof. This setup might involve clearing away debris, moving obstructions, or providing necessary ladders or equipment. Clear access is crucial for a comprehensive inspection, especially for identifying potential issues with flat roofing and other low-slope roofs.

Document Any Known Issues

If you’re aware of any existing problems or areas of concern, document them before the inspection. Providing this information to the roofing contractor can help focus their attention on critical areas and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Prepare Maintenance Records

Have your roof’s maintenance records on hand. These records give inspectors a history of past repairs and issues, helping them understand recurring problems and assess the roof’s overall condition more accurately.

Coordinate with Building Occupants

Inform tenants or building occupants about the scheduled inspection to avoid disruptions and ensure safety. If the inspection requires access to internal areas, such as attics or service rooms, make sure these areas are accessible.

Remove Debris and Clean Gutters

Clear any debris from the roof surface and clean out the gutters. Accumulated debris can obscure damage and make it harder for inspectors to do their job. Clean gutters ensure proper water drainage, which is crucial for preventing water damage and extending the life of your roof.

Ensure Safety Protocols

Verify that all safety protocols are in place. This precheck includes ensuring that the inspection team has the necessary safety gear and that the roof area is safe for them to work. For properties with metal roofing, ensure that surfaces are dry and non-slippery to prevent accidents.

By preparing thoroughly for a roof inspection, you help the process go smoothly and ensure a comprehensive assessment. This proactive approach allows for accurate identification of issues, enabling timely repairs and maintenance that keep your commercial roofing in excellent condition.


What to Expect During and After the Inspection

Knowing what to expect during and after a roof inspection can help you make the most of the process and ensure your commercial roofing stays in top condition. Here’s a breakdown of what typically happens.

During the Inspection

  • Visual Assessment: The inspector will start with a visual assessment, checking the overall condition of the roof. This scan includes looking for visible damage like cracks, punctures, or signs of wear, which are common in rubber roofing and flat roofing systems.
  • Detailed Examination: For metal roofing, the inspector will check for signs of rust, loose panels, or damaged fasteners. In flat roofing, the focus might be on drainage issues, pooling water, and membrane integrity.
  • Interior Check: The inspection might include an interior check of the building, looking for signs of leaks, water stains, or structural damage that could indicate roof issues.
  • Special Equipment: Inspectors may use special equipment like moisture meters or infrared cameras to detect hidden problems that aren’t visible to the naked eye. These tools are especially useful for identifying leaks and insulation issues in commercial roofing.

After the Inspection

  • Comprehensive Report: You will receive a detailed report outlining the findings of the inspection. This report should include photographs, descriptions of any issues found, and recommendations for repairs or maintenance. For instance, it might highlight areas where a roofing replacement is needed or where rubber roofing membranes need patching.
  • Repair Recommendations: Based on the inspection, the contractor will recommend necessary repairs or maintenance. These fixes could range from minor fixes to major projects like a roofing replacement.
  • Maintenance Plan: The inspector might suggest a maintenance plan to address ongoing issues and prevent future problems. This plan could include regular cleaning, minor repairs, and periodic inspections to keep your roof in good shape.
  • Cost Estimate: If your roof needs repairs, you’ll receive a cost estimate. This plan helps you budget for the necessary work and decide on the best course of action.

By understanding what to expect during and after a roof inspection, you can be better prepared and ensure that your commercial roofing is maintained effectively. Regular inspections and timely maintenance help extend the life of your roof, prevent costly repairs, and ensure the safety and comfort of your building.


Key Takeaways

Regular roof inspections are essential for maintaining the integrity and longevity of your commercial roofing. By understanding the specific needs of different roofing materials like rubber roofing, metal roofing, and flat roofing, you can effectively schedule and prepare for inspections. Choosing the right contractor, preparing your property for the inspection, and knowing what to expect during and after the process are all critical steps. Proactive maintenance helps identify potential issues early, preventing costly repairs and ensuring your roof remains in top condition year-round.

Ready to ensure your commercial property’s roof is in top shape? Contact Altitude Roofing today for professional roof inspections, maintenance, and repair services. Our experienced team specializes in all types of commercial roofing, including roofing replacement and repair for rubber roofing, metal roofing, and flat roofing. Don’t wait until problems escalate—call us for a free roofing estimate!



The Best Commercial Roofing Contractor in MA

Altitude Roofing is a family-owned and operated roofing contractor with decades of experience in delivering honest, reliable roofing services. We have serviced homes and businesses all over New England, earning a reputation as one of Massachusetts’s most trusted residential roof repair companies. That’s why we’re a Google Verified Business with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

As part of this commitment, we have achieved certifications from some of the industry’s most well-known manufacturers: Carlisle, Atlas, CertaTeedGAF, Firestone, and Genflex. You can count on our team of skilled professionals for exceptional service and quality craftsmanship. Contact us today for a free roofing estimate!

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